For information on connection permits and related fees for the secondary water system please contact our Connections and Assessment Clerk at 801-622-4342.
- Before any connection is made for the use of district water or to any district line, it is necessary that a connection permit be obtained from the district office.
- Connections to district lines will be made by district personnel only.
- The district will allow one connection per lot. The size of the valve will be determined by the district according to lot size and pressure available.
- Any unauthorized connection will be disconnected until the connection fee, impact fee and/or other fees have been paid. In addition, the district will also charge a re-connection fee of $500.
- No cross connections will be allowed between district and other water lines.
- It is illegal to extend secondary water lines into any buildings or lay them in the same trench as culinary water lines.
Secondary Water:
- Secondary water is for use on landscaping only.
- Secondary water should NEVER be consumed.
- Secondary water should not be used in evaporative coolers, water features or swimming pools.
Replacing a Master Valve:
- The master valve is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain or replace.
- Each water user should keep their master valve clearly marked and accessible in case of emergency.
- During water season, a water shut off appointment is necessary for making a repair unless property damage is apparent.
- When replacing a master valve during water season, have all parts and equipment assembled and ready to make the repair as soon as district personnel have turned off the water to your area.
- We require a good, quality brass valve. No plastic valves please.
- The line must be disassembled or cut on property owner’s side of valve. The service line should not be disturbed, as this belongs to the water district.

- When making a repair during water season, call the office at 801-621-6555 when the repair is complete to have the repair inspected and have water turned back on in your area.
- Master valves should be left open during the winter months and closed prior to the start of the water season each spring (approximately April 1).
- If district personnel are required to turn off a master valve to prevent damage or the wasting of water, a service charge of $50 will be charged to the property owner.
- Any user who has a booster pump should install a low water cut off switch in case water is not in the system for any reason to avoid damage to the pump.